Attic Ventilation Inspections: Good For Customers And Good For Business

Many roofing contractors report that when they take the time to do an attic inspection they are not only being thorough for the customer, but they are standing apart from their competition because many roofing contractors do not do attic ventilation inspections

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Vent or Seal the Attic?

The International Residential Building Code (IRC) is the predominant single-family residential building code in the United States. Vented attics are the “default” construction practice recognized by the IRC. Changes to recent editions of the IRC have introduced unvented (sealed) attics as an alternative. Deciding which approach to

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Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition Leads Efforts to Improve Code Requirements for Attic Ventilation

(WASHINGTON, DC) The Roof Assembly Ventilation Coalition (RAVC) participated in the development of the 2012 International Residential Code (IRC), recently published by the International Code Council (ICC). The RAVC proposed language aimed at adding clarity to the code, provide for balanced intake and exhaust for ventilated attics, and help

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