Shingle Sealants Bond Your Roof Together With ever increasing performance expectations for asphalt shingles designed to withstand high winds and heavy rains, manufacturers have responded by producing increasingly higher-performing shingles. When properly installed, asphalt shingles are manufactured to bond securely to each other, forming an integrated roof-covering
Read more →Did You Know? A “Green” Benefit of Asphalt Shingles Informed homeowners and building owners are aware of the many benefits of asphalt shingles. They are affordable, durable and come in numerous styles, shapes, textures and colors to fit any design aesthetic. But not everyone is aware of
Read more →Why is a built-up roof considered a multi-ply roof? ARMA defines a built-up roofing system as a roof where multiple layers of asphalt alternated with ply sheets (felts) are applied over the roof deck (vapor retarder) and, most often over insulation that is attached to the roof
Read more →Why is ventilation important? Proper ventilation reduces moisture build-up in your home The average family of four generates approximately 2 to 4 gallons of water vapor each day through activities such as breathing, perspiration, showering, cooking and dishwashing. When moisture vapor remains in a colder/dryer attic, it
Read more →Why is the color of a roof so important? Asphalt roofing systems provide homeowners with years of beautiful, affordable and reliable protection. Choosing the right roof color is critical because it is a decision that most homeowners will only make once, and one that will have a
Read more →In the United States, four out of five homes are covered with asphalt shingles. These shingles are beautiful, affordable and reliable, and are constantly raising the bar in protecting your most valuable asset. What is Cool Roofing? “Coolness” is measured by two properties, solar reflectance (SR, or
Read more →What information is available about the recent IARC review of asphalt? The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is an arm of the UN’s World Health Organization, headquartered in Lyon, France. One of IARC’s missions is to develop detailed scientific reviews (called “Monographs”) of the potential
Read more →Roofing and Reflectivity It’s About Saving Energy. There are many options available to help assure that your roof, whether low-slope or steep-slope, reduces energy use and saves you money. In fact, many states are instituting building codes that require roof systems to be energy efficient. There are
Read more →For commercial buildings, asphaltic low-slope roofing provides the highest level of quality, affordability and reliability on the market. Most commercial facilities use low-slope roofing because it is cost-efficient, maximizes usable space and can be designed to feature value-adding amenities such as HVAC equipment or a roof garden. Though a flat roof may
Read more →When installing a new roof, commercial property owners must consider the employees, equipment and inventory they are protecting. With many different asphalt roofing products and installation methods available on the market, it is important to understand how to choose the right system and get the most from
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