Each year, ARMA sponsors an Accident Prevention Contest designed to encourage safe operating practices in the asphalt roofing manufacturing industry and to recognize those plants that demonstrate exemplary safety performance. Safety awards are presented during the ARMA Spring Board of Directors meeting to winners from four labor-hours categories, including Certificates of Improvement, Awards of Excellence, Perfect Safety Awards and a President’s Award, awarded to the top-performing plant in each category. The annual contest is open to ARMA members.

Below are the Accident Prevention Contest rules and a copy of the contest submission form.


AS AMENDED January 13, 2020

1. The annual contest will cover the period January 1 to December 31, inclusive. The contest will be open to all Regular Members of the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA). Only plants engaged in the manufacture of asphalt roofing products are eligible to be a contestant.

2. A contestant may be an entire company, division, plant or mill. An ARMA member company may enter as many of its divisions, plants or mills as desired. Member company administrative offices may submit data to the contest but are ineligible to receive awards. Two or more manufacturing units located in the same adjacent city block or separated by no more than the width of a highway, canal, or railroad right-of-way shall be considered a single contestant. Both the asphalt roofing manufacturing operations and the auxiliary operations, such as on-site granule, paper/mat, and blowing operations, may be included in the contest, provided they are under the same management.

3. The contest will be directed by ARMA’s Health, Safety, and Environment Committee.

4. Participants must file quarterly reports by the name and location of each division, plant or mill entered in the contest and officially provide the following information; the reported data for the ARMA Safety Contest is subject to the same definitions and criteria set forth in OSHA Form 300:

Group A the number of Lost and Restricted Workdays (i.e., the number of calendar days an employee is away from the plant or has restricted activity as a result of a workplace injury, irrespective of whether the employee was scheduled to work on those day(s)) during the quarter being reported, provided that the injury has occurred in the Contest year. Lost and restricted workdays for injuries that occurred in a prior year(s) are not to be counted. Record no more than 180 days of restrictions, time away from work (lost time), or sum of restricted and lost time for a single injury;
Group B the number of fatalities during the quarter being reported;
Group C the number of OSHA reportable incidents recorded during the quarter being reported (this reflects the total for columns G, H, I, and J of the OSHA 300 log); and
Group D the labor–hours worked at the participating location during the quarter being reported. The total number of reported lost and restricted days for a single injury occurring during the Contest year shall not exceed 180

5. Reports shall be forwarded to ARMA headquarters within 25 days after the close of the quarter.

6. Participants will receive quarterly reports showing year to date contest standing.

7. Contest standing shall be based on the ARMA INDEX. The index is derived from the following formula:



Awards will be presented in four categories: President’s Award, Award of Excellence, Perfect Employee Safety Certificate, and Certificate of Improvement. A reported fatality, defined per the definition and criteria set forth in OSHA Form 300, results in an automatic awards disqualification of that plant location for the reporting year.

Presented to the plant in each contest category that has the lowest combined ARMA INDEX over a two-year period. In the event of a tie for the President’s Award, the facility with the greatest number of labor-hours reported within the category will receive the President’s Award. A plant must have at least two consecutive years’ worth of reported data in order to be eligible to win this award.

Presented to those plants that have recorded three consecutive years of a “perfect” ARMA INDEX (i.e., an index of 0.00). A plant which wins the President’s Award is not eligible to win the Award of Excellence in the same year.

Presented to those plants that have a “perfect” ARMA INDEX (i.e., an index of 0.00) for the reporting year. A plant which wins the President’s Award is not eligible to win the Perfect Employee Safety Certificate in the same year.

Presented to those plants which demonstrate an improvement in their ARMA INDEX of at least 25% over their previous year’s performance. Those plants that had a perfect ARMA Index for the previous year are not eligible to win the Certificate of Improvement.

Award winners are determined after fourth quarter data has been collected and accurately inputted into the database in January-February of the following year; awards are announced and certificates and plaques are presented at the Spring Board of Directors Meeting.

Each time a site wins the President’s Award, it receives a star. Stars carry over each year, despite any change in plant size. For example, if Plant X won the President’s Award in 2013 and 2017, it would have two stars.

[Download the Safety Contest Rules]